As warm blooded as I am, once it starts to get cold, the temperature of my body no longer matters. In the last 48 hours the temperature has dropped drastically and I find myself sitting in our classroom wishing I had gloves on my cold hands and a beanie on my head! My favorite seasons are Spring and Fall, mostly because...well, the temperature is not too hot and not too cold. But, during those seasons the most common question I get from the people around me is, "Aren't you cold?" This is when I wish I could just wear a sign that says, "I'm not cold". When the seasons change here in Korea is seems like people automatically change their wardrobe to match. Even if the temperature is warm in the fall there are those people who are wearing coats and thick leggings with boots. I tend to start overheating when I just glance at those crazy people. I don't know if it's the mindset or the fact that "Korean people don't sweat". hahaha
Even though we pretty much have all four seasons in Oklahoma, I don't really have a wardrobe for them all. I tend to wear the same thing year 'round adding a jacket or coat when the weather is too cold for short sleeves. But, now that the cold is showing it's UGLY face I think leggings under my jeans is the best way to keep from freezing my tush off in a classroom without insulation. Even though it's a bit warmer than the halls of the school, but nontheless it's cold enough.
So today after school I will be going to Technomart and E-Mart for groceries and a beanie and gloves to tide me over until my box from home comes that contains my favorite beanie and warm gloves.
At least the chattering hasn't started yet (touch wood).
Last week when I was walking around in just a tshirt, a guy angrily motioned at me to put on a jacket when it was 65 degrees out. And now, a week later it is in the high 40s and really, really cold.