Well, I'm about to embark on the craziest adventure of my life so far. If you thought England was exciting, you just wait for South Korea! I'm excited, anxious, terrified, loopy, intimitated, and many more adjectives that I can't really think of right now.
So, here is the scoop. After almost 4 months of waiting I get an e-mail Monday night saying that they have my resume and want to interview me. I just need to fill out an application. So, I filled out the application, wrote the essay, and sent it in Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday evening at 6:30 P.M. my phone rang and I saw the country code "82" which is South Korea. So, I stopped playing Wii, went upstairs and closed myself in my room with the lights off. I was totally unprepared for what was going to happen next. Jon, the interviewer, asked if I had a few minutes to do an interview right then. I said yes, and so it began. I felt like the first question he asked I didn't answer well at all. I felt like I was talking in circles and it was awful!! But, at the end of the interview he asked if I was employed and if they knew that I had applied for this and could be leaving toward the end of Feb. I told him yes, and he told me if would be a good idea to get my TESOL certification, which would increase my pay. So, I'm in the process of getting that online taking a 100 hr. course. I also have to gather a number of things in order to send off for a visa, figure out what all to pack, and say goodbye to friends and family.
Basically for the next three weeks I'll be running around like a mad woman trying to get everything done. So, wish me luck and pray that I stay calm and don't freak out!!!!
Lastly, this will be the new place to keep up with me. I will be posting pics, thoughts, frustrations, adventures, etc.
P.S. If you can find Masan on the map...that is where I was born!!